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I finally made japchae today. I’ve been meaning to cook it but couldn’t find the time. Now, because of the quarantine, I have enough time in my hands (NOT that I’m thankful for the pandemic!). It was my first time to cook japchae so I looked for an easy-to-follow tutorial on YouTube.

First, I marinated the sirloin steak and mushroom with soy sauce, sesame oil, sugar and pepper. Then I blanched the spinach leaves. I fried the scrambled egg, onions, spring onions and carrots individually. I boiled the dangmyeon (Korean sweet potato starch noodles).

When everything was cooked, I put the dangmyeon in a bowl and mixed it with soy sauce, sesame oil and sugar. Then I put the other ingredients on the side. I added one clove of minced garlic and ground pepper. I combined all of them together and added more soy sauce, sugar and sesame oil. I tasted it to adjust.

Japchae is a little finicky. Pansit bihon is easier to make because we sauté all the vegetables together. With japchae, we have to fry the ingredients individually. It’s more time consuming. Korean food is so elaborate. They put so much time and effort into it. No wonder their food is so delicious! Everything worth having takes time and effort.

Resting in the Lord

Resting in the Lord

When I went out of the house early this afternoon, I saw that they blocked the road so no cars could enter/exit our area. I walked to Alimall to withdraw money for grocery shopping then I went to SM. I waited in line for almost 2 hours just to get in. Most people were wearing a mask and surgical gloves. I also saw some wearing safety glasses. The guards sprayed alcohol on everybody’s hands before letting them in. However, I noticed that many did not observe social distancing.

I went to the supermarket at 12:45 noon and finished shopping at 6 in the evening. It’s not because I bought a lot of things. (I do not hoard.) I only bought things we will need for the week. I finished at 6 because I was stuck in the long checkout line for 2 hours.

I was tempted to complain while I was outside the supermarket because it was very hot but God reminded me that grumbling is a sin. Instead, I decided to be grateful (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and to count my blessings. I understand the situation. Nobody wants the new setup.

To be honest, I am not panicking because of the nCoV-19. I am not saying this to brag. Yes, I understand the severity of the situation. I understand this could go on for months. This could even be our new normal. This could even get worse. I’m not being a pessimist but I am also considering different possibilities and it’s better to prepare my heart for anything. Despite all these though, I am at peace. It’s not because I am a spiritual giant—I am not. It’s not because I am perfect and I don’t fear Judgment Day. I can only thank God for His gift of salvation.

My heart is at peace not because of anything I’ve done but because of the assurance of God’s reality. God is real and He is in control. I don’t get scared when I read or listen to the news because I know God knows everything that happens in people’s lives.

Today I let an older woman use the price checker first though I got there before her because I was pondering on whether I should get the extra can of evaporated milk or not. My mother asked me to get one for the macaroni soup she promised to make but I thought I could use the extra can for another recipe. Anyway, I smiled at the woman (behind my mask) and she said to me, “Mamamatay na yata tayo.” I replied, “Mag-pray lang po tayo na matapos na ito.” She agreed in kind of a grumbling way then left.

I understand people are afraid. Knowing that there is a virus that kills people in a matter of days is really scary. I would be afraid, too, if I weren’t a Christian. Before coming to Christ, I was super scared of a lot of things—people, the future, death—especially death. However, when I got to know Christ through His Word, I learned about His character and His promises. Knowing that He is real gives me hope and confidence.

Tonight while washing the dishes, I thanked God for preparing me and my family for situations like this. The Bible hides nothing from us. It’s the most genuine book I’ve ever read. God gave us clear warnings and instructions in His Word about everything—including the trials and tribulations the world will face before and after Jesus’ second coming. I was talking to my sister on the phone last week and she said she’s not scared of the corona virus. I’m glad to know she’s not. I’m blessed because I know she knows Jesus already.

2020 is such a surprise for all of us. There was the volcanic eruption in Taal in January, the volcanic eruption in Japan, the Australian bushfire, the war threat between Iran and the U.S., and then the corona virus pandemic. I also heard about the locust swarms in Africa.

At fist I asked God, “Lord, what’s happening?” However, I was reminded that it’s written in His Word that terrible times will come in the last days (2 Timothy 3:1). It’s scary and it can get scarier but God will spare His children from all those. I know there is no stopping the prophecy. However, my prayer is that God will still give us the chance to come to Him. I don’t want my loved ones to die not knowing Jesus Christ personally. I want to see all of my family members in heaven. I wouldn’t be happy to be there without them.

“They will say, ‘Where is this ‘coming’ He promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.’” – 2 Peter 3:4

“But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” – 2 Peter 3:8-9

God is not a liar. He delivers. He does what He says He will do. When He says He will protect His children, He will protect His children. He can stop the pandemic right now if He wants to. I believe He is allowing it to drag for a reason. He is giving all of us a chance to repent from our sins, recognize Him as the King of kings and Lord of lords, and obey Him.

Even if we die, we do not lose because we will be with Him in heaven for eternity. It’s a win-win for those who believe in Jesus. Whether we stay longer on earth or die early, we have nothing to fear. My prayer is that I remain steadfast and that I finish the race well.

Morning Devo

Morning Devo

I am currently reading the book of Luke. I’ve read it before but it spoke to me anew. I am amazed by the lives of the people mentioned in the first couple of chapters.

  • Elizabeth and Zacharias were known as “righteous”. It says in chapter 1 verse 6, “And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.”
  • Mary was regarded as “highly favored (ch. 1:28)”.
  • Joseph, although not described as righteous in the book of Luke, was regarded as “a just man” in the book of Matthew (ch. 1:19).
  • “…the hand of the Lord was with him (ch. 1:66)” was mentioned of John.
  • Simeon was known as “just and devout (ch. 2:25)”.

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. God used all of them to fulfill the prophecy about the Savior’s birth because they believed in God and were obedient to Him. They all played an important role. Today, I re-learned that God uses people who revere Him in their heart and are obedient to Him.

Pizza Night

Pizza Night

No-cook sauce: tomato sauce, tomato paste, sugar, salt, garlic, onion, pepper, dried herbs (basil, thyme, oregano & marjoram)

Pizza #1 toppings: tomato sauce mixture, mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese

Pizza #2 toppings: tomato sauce mixture, mushroom, tuna, onion, cheddar cheese

Pizza #3 toppings: garlic, mushroom, mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese

Rose Cabbage

Rose Cabbage

I saw a succulent plant on my table when I came back to work yesterday. When my co-worker and friend told me last year that she would give me a succulent, I told her not to bother because I don’t know if I can make it live long. I’m not sure if I have a green thumb because I haven’t really taken care of a lot plants in the past. However, seeing how beautiful this rose cabbage is, I can’t help but adore and adopt it. Hehe.

Grateful Heart

Grateful Heart

Many of us associate blessings only with material things. When we don’t have the things we want, we feel God has forgotten us but nothing could be further from the truth.

It’s easier to praise God when we live in abundance and it’s hard to worship Him when we live in scarcity. With all that’s happening in the world right now, I know many of us find it hard to see our blessings. I know it’s normal to be scared during this time but I realized, this is also the best time to exercise gratefulness. Our situation is not easy but there are so many things to be thankful for. I’m also still growing in this area.

Gratefulness does not rest on what we have. Gratefulness is a condition of the heart. It is thanking the Lord because we know that no matter what happens, He is good. When I read and watch the news, it seems that there is something new every day that threatens people’s lives. We may not understand what’s happening but we must continuously trust God. He sees the bigger picture and He is in control. No man or disease can change God’s plan.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Gratin Dauphinoise

Gratin Dauphinoise

I greased the pan with butter and added some minced garlic. I couldn’t find a rectangular pan so I used the cake pan instead. I added a layer of sliced potatoes then poured the full cream milk and heavy cream mixture then sprinkled it with salt and pepper. I added the mushrooms and the shrimps (I did my research and apparently, gratin dauphonois only has potatoes but I wanted to tweak the recipe a little bit so I added some mushrooms and shrimp.) Then I added another layer of potatoes. I just repeated the process for the first layer. I just eyeballed everything and then baked it at 150 degrees C.

It took soooo long for this to bake. I finished at around 3 in the morning. It’s my fault. I put too much of the milk and cream mixture. My family said it tastes good. It really just took toooooo long to finish. 🤪



Mama and the Tans celebrating with us from the land of the rising sun.

Thank You for sustaining me for 35 years, Abba. I wouldn’t have survived 35 years without You. Thank You for the people You put in my life to love me, believe in me, and not give up on me. Thank You for reminding me that I am loved by You and the people You allow to stay in my life. I am grateful to and for them but I am most grateful to and for You, Lord.