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Month: April 2017

Spiritual Authority

Spiritual Authority

Our topic today in Sunday school is “Pass It On”. We talked about the stories from Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:6-11. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb of Jesus and the angel spoke to them and told them that Jesus had risen. The angel instructed the women to tell the disciples that Jesus rose from the dead and will meet them in Galilee. When the disciples went to the mountain Jesus told them to go,…

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Qualified or Not?

Qualified or Not?

God calls according to His standard, not the standard of the world. God doesn’t always call the smartest, richest/poorest, or kindest. Usually, He calls from the pit. He calls the sinner, the weak, the unintelligent, the broken… He calls those that the world doesn’t see fit to be used by God. God’s ways are different. God doesn’t think the way people do. If our finite minds will try to understand God’s infinite mind, we will go crazy. He is God…

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