

We went to Cabanatuan around 11 a.m. We got to the bus station at half past 3 then we went straight to the American Memorial in Pangatian. We got there at 4:35 p.m.

It used to be a concentration camp. It’s sad that the place is not maintained by the government or the U.S. embassy. It tells the story of one of the most successful rescue missions.

We went to CIC (College of the Immaculate Conception) after because I wanted to show Lelan the school I attended from pre-school to grade school. Everything is the same. However, it’s not a school anymore. The old buildings are used as offices now.

It was surreal. When I was young, that place seemed so big. Now that I’m older, it looks so small. Going there made me feel nostalgic. I showed Lelan where we used to play after our classes, where I joined a drawing contest and won (surprisingly), where we had our graduation ceremony, where lolo Acacia (acacia tree) used to be, the room that I was in when the magnitude 7.7 earthquake happened in 1990.

We went to Edna’s Cakeland but it was already closed. We went to SM to have dinner then we went to the bus station to go back to Manila.

American Memorial (Pangatian)


This area is where I graduated in preschool.


Teachers’ office

I was in this room playing with the other students when the earthquake (7.7 magnitude) happened in 1990.

Rainy Christmas Morning

Rainy Christmas Morning

The Christmas/carrot cake jam is so delicious. It was made by my sister-in-law, Deana. She’s so sweet. I used it in the toasted sandwiches this morning (peanut butter + blueberry jam & cheese + Christmas jam).

I’m happy that I get to spend Christmas with my husband here in the Philippines.

Rosario Church

Rosario Church

My husband and I went to the first service in CCF then kuya Jerry and Anjo picked us up from church to have lunch. We went to Rosario church after. We had the breaking of bread, then the teaching meeting. Lelan shared a short devotion in the first part of the Sunday service.

Before kuya Jerry shared the message, he, Anjo, Lelan, and I sang the two songs we practiced last night. Kuya Jerry talked about the church as one body. What struck me the most is the 1st Corinthians 12:22 verse: “No, much rather, those members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary.”

Sometimes I feel like the things I do for the Lord are small and don’t matter much but today I am reminded that no matter how small our contribution is, it is big in God’s eyes and it is necessary. It is needed.

Believers have different gifts. Some gifts are seen by everyone and some gifts are hardly noticed but they are just as important. Like the human body, some parts are not seen. The internal organs are hidden from our sight but they are absolutely necessary. Just because what we do for the Lord are not seen by people, it doesn’t mean that it’s not important.

“And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we bestow greater honor; and our unpresentable parts have greater modesty,” 1 Corinthians 12:23

Also, we should serve not to be seen by men but to please God.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24

We should ask God what our part is in the body of Christ.

After the teaching meeting, we joined them in their Christmas party. It’s nice that Lelan witnessed the typical way Filipinos celebrate parties. We had fun! What an eventful weekend it is.

Lelan gave a short devotional.

Photo source: Maria Espiritu

Kuya Jerry talked about the church as the body of Christ.

~ Christmas party after the service

(Photo source: Maria Espiritu)

Videoke Night

Videoke Night

Lelan and I went to kuya Jerry’s place in Antipolo tonight. After dinner, we practiced the songs we will sing tomorrow in Rosario church (one of the churches they oversee). I had no idea they would include me. I’m not a singer. 😅 Plus, we will be singing hymns that I had never heard before. I know contemporary Christian music more because the church I attend plays mostly contemporary music.

We practiced “I Love to Tell the Story” and “Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne”. I hope I will remember the tone tomorrow. 😅 After the practice, we had a videoke session. It was my first time to have a “hymnal” videoke. 😅 I like most of the hymns they sang, especially the “I’d Rather Have Jesus”.

I appreciate kuya Jerry’s hospitality. He makes us feel special every time we visit. He and Anjo always prepares good food, and he always sets the dinner table beautifully. I also noticed that they are creative with food. Anjo said that kuya Jerry believes there’s no rule when it comes to food preparation. It encourages me to emulate it in our own home. ❤️

Cleanse Us and Heal Us

Cleanse Us and Heal Us

Devo: Mark 1:40-45

“If You are willing, You can make me clean.” V. 40

The leper did not ask Jesus to heal him but to cleanse him. Like the leper, what many of us need more than healing is cleansing from sins. It’s more important to be cleansed from sin than to be healed. It’s better to die knowing that our sins have been forgiven by the Lord despite our illness than to die in perfect health but with the eternal damnation as our destination. Our body may be afflicted with a disease, but with God in our heart, we have peace.

“Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him…” V. 41

Jesus touched the leper. In the past, a leper was ostracized. The leper in the story must have missed being cared for by people.

“…a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus…” Luke 5:12

In the verse above, it shows us that the leper who approached Jesus was full of leprosy. It means that his disease was in the advanced stage and his body was therefore rotting away. Nobody wanted to be around him.

“This was important because people were forbidden to touch this man on account of his leprosy. Since his disease was in the advanced stages, he was a leper a long time. It was a long time since he had felt a loving touch.”

This commentary above from pierced my heart. He was a leper for a long time. He hadn’t felt someone’s touch for a long time and must’ve longed the warmth of an embrace. Jesus touched him and made him feel loved and valued. ❤️

“As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed.” V. 42

Jesus warned him not to tell anyone about it.

“And He strictly warned him and sent him away at once, and said to him, ‘See that you say nothing to anyone…'” V. 43-44

However, the man could not help himself and announced it to people.

“However, he went out and began to proclaim it freely, and to spread the matter…” V. 45

I think I also wouldn’t be able to keep that to myself had I been in his position. I mean, how can you keep such good news to yourself?

“…so that Jesus could no longer openly enter the city, but was outside in deserted places; and they came to Him from every direction.” V. 45

This verse shows us that we should always obey Jesus. There are consequences when we disobey.

Father God in heaven, cleanse us and heal us. Cleanse us from the inside out. Remove all the filth in our heart and our body. Only You can do this overhaul in our heart, Jesus. Help us also to love people despite their sins.