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Month: June 2022

Prosperity and Adversity

Prosperity and Adversity

~Successes~ I am learning that we should enjoy our successes—big or small—because God allows them. God wants His children to prosper in what they do. There are many characters in the Bible that God prospered because they loved Him. Joseph (the dreamer), for example, became successful because God was with Him (Genesis 39:2). King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes that we should enjoy the fruits of our labor. “This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate…

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Lemon Garlic Greek Chicken

Lemon Garlic Greek Chicken

Ingredients: Method: I was looking for roasted chicken recipes online and came across Mrs. Barretto’s recipe. I read the comments and some of them who tried it said it was delicious, so I decided to use her recipe. She didn’t give exact measurements so I just adjusted according to my liking. 👍🏻 I also wanted to add more corn in the pan but they didn’t fit so I didn’t put everything. The recipe didn’t disappoint. It was really good.

Officially a Graduate

Officially a Graduate

Here’s a snippet of our hybrid convocation ceremony. Those who could not make it in person had to attend virtually—like in our regular classes. I’m happy that my sleepless nights paid off. The journey hadn’t been easy but I am grateful. While others lost jobs because of the pandemic, I was given the chance to continue working and even study at the same time. I am grateful and humbled to be given this opportunity to study internationally, and to graduate…

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Cassava Cake

Cassava Cake

Ingredients:4 c grated cassava (Do not drain)2 c coconut milk1 c condensed milk1 can evaporated milk3 eggs2 tbsp melted butter2 tsp vanilla Topping:3/4 c coconut milk3/4 c condensed milk1/4 c butter2 egg yolks2-3 c grated cheese Method: