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Month: January 2020

Rose Cabbage

Rose Cabbage

I saw a succulent plant on my table when I came back to work yesterday. When my co-worker and friend told me last year that she would give me a succulent, I told her not to bother because I don’t know if I can make it live long. I’m not sure if I have a green thumb because I haven’t really taken care of a lot plants in the past. However, seeing how beautiful this rose cabbage is, I can’t…

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Grateful Heart

Grateful Heart

Many of us associate blessings only with material things. When we don’t have the things we want, we feel God has forgotten us but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s easier to praise God when we live in abundance and it’s hard to worship Him when we live in scarcity. With all that’s happening in the world right now, I know many of us find it hard to see our blessings. I know it’s normal to be scared…

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Gratin Dauphinoise

Gratin Dauphinoise

I greased the pan with butter and added some minced garlic. I couldn’t find a rectangular pan so I used the cake pan instead. I added a layer of sliced potatoes then poured the full cream milk and heavy cream mixture then sprinkled it with salt and pepper. I added the mushrooms and the shrimps (I did my research and apparently, gratin dauphonois only has potatoes but I wanted to tweak the recipe a little bit so I added some…

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