Family Beach Bonding

Family Beach Bonding

Day 1

I did my fishtail braid.

Day 2

Mama and I went on a short hike early in the morning. It was worth the sweat!

Hiking — part 2

When I checked my schedule last Tuesday, I saw that my students disappeared. I guess they decided to go on a break because Thursday is a holiday in their country and it’s nice to have a long weekend. Then, my sister proposed on the same day I found out my students cancelled for Thursday and Friday that we go to the beach. Of course I wanted to go because my sister and her family are here for only a couple of days.

God is really amazing. He didn’t want me to miss our family get-together so He made my students cancel their classes. It’s in moments like this that God reminds me that He knows everything in my life. 😊

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