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Author: KC

One Day in the Office

One Day in the Office

My colleague-slash-friend, Elna, and I decided to visit the office today after more than one year. Our manager and colleague were there because they both live in Eastwood (which is also where our office is). It was nice to see them again. It felt surreal to be back.

Sadly though, my plant died. Working from home was optional in March last year and my seatmate, who decided to continue working in the office, said that she would take care of it. No one’s to blame. Who knew the pandemic would last this long?

Reminiscent Streets

Reminiscent Streets

I decided to walk to MegaMall from Marco Polo building after my IELTS test this morning and take snapshots. It made me a bit nostalgic.

It feels weird seeing only a few people on the street. It was so quiet. Before the pandemic, it would take an hour or more to get to wherever inside Ortigas center because of heavy traffic.

I rarely take the EDSA route since I started working in Eastwood. It felt surreal being there again where I worked the longest (so far). I enjoyed my serene walk.

Homemade Low Fat Greek Yogurt

Homemade Low Fat Greek Yogurt


1. Bring the milk to a boil.

2. Remove the skin on top.

3. Get some milk from the casserole and add 2-3 tbsp plain Greek yogurt with live + active cultures. Add the yogurt mixture to the milk (room temperature) and mix.

4. Cover it with cling wrap/cloth then set it aside for 8 hours. Put the yogurt inside the oven or somewhere warm.

5. Drain the yogurt for 1-2 hours using a cheesecloth to remove the (acid) whey.

6. Transfer it to a glass container then refrigerate overnight.

7. Enjoy it with your own yogurt breakfast bowl.

My Version of Apéritif Dînatoire

My Version of Apéritif Dînatoire

Or should I say “apero” since aperetif dinatoire sounds too formal. 😅 It’s my parents’ last night in my apartment before they leave for the province.

Non-alcoholic po ang mga nasa bote (sparkling grape juice & water). 😁