

We went to Cabanatuan around 11 a.m. We got to the bus station at half past 3 then we went straight to the American Memorial in Pangatian. We got there at 4:35 p.m.

It used to be a concentration camp. It’s sad that the place is not maintained by the government or the U.S. embassy. It tells the story of one of the most successful rescue missions.

We went to CIC (College of the Immaculate Conception) after because I wanted to show Lelan the school I attended from pre-school to grade school. Everything is the same. However, it’s not a school anymore. The old buildings are used as offices now.

It was surreal. When I was young, that place seemed so big. Now that I’m older, it looks so small. Going there made me feel nostalgic. I showed Lelan where we used to play after our classes, where I joined a drawing contest and won (surprisingly), where we had our graduation ceremony, where lolo Acacia (acacia tree) used to be, the room that I was in when the magnitude 7.7 earthquake happened in 1990.

We went to Edna’s Cakeland but it was already closed. We went to SM to have dinner then we went to the bus station to go back to Manila.

American Memorial (Pangatian)


This area is where I graduated in preschool.


Teachers’ office

I was in this room playing with the other students when the earthquake (7.7 magnitude) happened in 1990.

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