His Message, Not Ours

His Message, Not Ours

I attended the WC fellowship today. WC stands for Welcome Center. It’s a ministry in our church that welcomes new comers or unbelievers. We share the history of the church, our mission and vision, our core values, the different ministries, the Christian’s faith journey, and the gospel. We also pray with them.

We had several activities: games, devotion, fellowship, breakfast, review of this year’s operations, presentation of the programs for next year, Q & A , and lunch.

During the breakout session (after the devo), I shared in our group that I always ask God to give me the right people at the Welcome Center. I ask Him to give me those that are not difficult. Sis Mariles then said that our prayer should not be for God to give us people that are easy to manage but that God should prepare our heart no matter who God will bring to us.

She’s right! I forgot that it’s not about my skills in managing people but about God working through me. It’s about being used by Him as a vessel to speak to people. It’s not my message that I will share but His message.

No matter who we talk to and now matter how difficult people can be, what’s important is God’s empowering. God will bring people to us no matter our differences. He will use to us to lead people to Him. It is the Holy Spirit in us that will deliver the message. It’s all about JESUS!

Sis Mariles explaining her drawing.

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