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Month: October 2024

Watch and Pray

Watch and Pray

This morning, while I was exercising in QC Circle, I saw people going about their own stuff. Some were jogging, dancing (zumba), biking, walking, dog-walking, talking, taking pictures, eating, I remembered the chapter I am currently reading for my devotion: Matthew chapter 24.

In this chapter, Jesus described the things that will happen when He comes again. It says in God’s Word that people will be like those in the days of Noah. Before the flood came, people were “eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage (v. 38)”. It simply means that people were doing the things they usually do. Noah preached to them and warned them about the flood that would come but they didn’t listen. They mocked him, laughed at him, and went about their own activities.

“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” vv. 37-39

When Jesus returns, people will also be “business as usual”. Like this morning. People were busy doing their own stuff. It’s not wrong to continue with the things we normally do (that do not displease God). However, if we get so caught up in the things of the world that we don’t have time anymore to have fellowship with God or to even think about Him, that’s when it’s dangerous.

Jesus’ second coming will be a surprise for us all. Even Jesus Himself does not know. Only God the Father knows when it will be.

“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” v. 36

It also says in God’s Word that we have to be watchful. We have to be ready because Jesus will return in the midst of our busyness.

“Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” vv. 42-44

We should be ready every day, every minute. We should always repent and pray.

“But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming…'” v. 48

I believe that we are already seeing the signs that Jesus mentioned. God is really just being gracious to us because He doesn’t want any of us to perish. He is still giving us a chance to come to Him.

“Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing.” v. 46

“Jesus also promised that we will be rewarded for our diligence. The servants serve the master, but the master knows how to take care of and reward the servants.”

To those who remain faithful while waiting, we must take refuge in the fact that God sees our sacrifices and He will not allow us to wait for nothing. We might think that our toil is useless because we see the wicked prosper. However, we should not lose heart. There is a reward for God’s children in heaven.

If His saints have rewards, those who disregard Him and His work will also receive a reward. They will receive what they deserve. The wicked servant in the story didn’t care about God. He just gave in to the desires of his flesh. God is just and his behavior has a corresponding consequence.

“…and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of the servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, and will cut him in two and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” vv. 49-51

Jesus will come again not as a Savior but as a judge. He will come to meet His saints in the clouds and to judge those who chose not to believe in Him.

It doesn’t mean that we will stop living our life and do nothing but pray. It’s just a reminder for us to be constantly on guard. Whatever we do should be glorifying to God. We have to keep our sweet, intimate communion with Him. We have to continue serving while we wait.

We should FIGHT FOR OUR TIME with God. Despite our busy schedule, we have to MAKE TIME for God. We have to force ourselves to set aside time to pray, to read God’s Word, to just have a fellowship with Him.

Sometimes I get so busy that I don’t even have time to be emotional. However, when I am prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray, I stop what I’m doing and I pray. It’s not always a long prayer. Often, it’s just a short one. As long as our prayer is from the heart, it’s enough. God sees the intention behind our words.

When the Holy Spirit convicts us to do something like pray or read the Bible, we have to obey. Nothing is more important than speaking with our Creator and Savior. When He tells us to pray, He will help us finish what we set aside to spend time with Him because He cares about us and the things that we care about.

I read a quote that goes, “If the devil can’t make you bad, he will make you busy.”

There’s usually a lot of people in the park in the morning but there were more today because of the kids’ field trip. I was led to pray for everyone there. Usually, I pray for the people that are there but sometimes I forget. I was also reminded to pray for the park-goers all the time. May we not be apathetic to the Lord. May we be found by the Lord faithful and prepared when He returns.

“Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.” — Charles Spurgeon

Marriage is for God’s Glory

Marriage is for God’s Glory

My husband and I have a very unique love story. It’s not an isolated case but at the same time, it’s not what Christian communities expect for people to meet or maintain a relationship. Some say it’s not normal.

We’re not like other couples who had known each other for years before getting married. We’re not like those Christian couples who met in church while serving God. We’re not like those who were introduced by a common friend. Nothing like that.

Lelan and I didn’t have a long history before we got married. We had no friends in common. We are from opposite sides of the world. We are from different races. We speak different languages. We have different cultures and traditions.

When people ask me about how we met, there is slight hesitation on my part to share our story because of people’s judgments. We didn’t meet organically. I tend to be very careful with my words so they will understand how Lelan and I happened.

The story of our meeting was like a whirlwind. However, remembering my prayers to God for a husband when I was still single, I can say that Lelan is an answered prayer. When I was still single, I would always tell God that when I meet the right one for me, that we marry soon.

Although everything went fast for us, Lelan was gentle and respectful the whole time. I had said and done some things that could change his mind about me but he didn’t. I would always ask God for a husband that is patient, kind, and gentle, and Lelan is all that. He has the qualities that I prayed to God for.

We live in different parts of the world, and people wonder how we make it work. I remembered asking God for someone who would cross oceans for me because that would mean (at least for me) that he is intentional and serious about pursuing me.

He travels back and forth the U.S. and the Philippines just to be with me. I mean, who am I? I’m not that special. 😅 However, because I am his wife, he takes the responsibility of a husband seriously. He overlooks the cost and the exhaustion from traveling halfway around the world several times a year for our marriage. I respect him for that.

God gave me a partner in the ministry. He gladly helps me in doing outreaches. He tries his best to be pleasing to the Lord. I don’t deserve my husband, but I am grateful. God knows what kind of man I need in marriage. Lelan is not perfect (like me) but he is right for me, and I love him. When I look at him, I still can’t believe that God gave me a husband. He is an answered prayer.

I love him but I don’t idolize him. He is the Lord’s. Sometimes when I worry about him, I just lift him up to God because, really, he is HIS. If I love him, God loves him more. If I want him safe, God wants him safe more. I can only pray for him from a distance when we’re not together, but it is only the LORD who can really protect him from all kinds of harm.

He is a gift that I don’t deserve but the Lord gave because GOD is good. HE is the God who answers the prayers of HIS children–in HIS time. HE is the GOD who does not withhold the longings of HIS children’s heart. HE is the GOD who delivers HIS promises to those who trust in HIM.

My husband does not and will not replace God in my heart, and I know it’s the same for my husband. I don’t want us to be each other’s idol. God is a jealous God and HE doesn’t want anyone taking HIS place in our heart. I was listening to a sermon this morning while doing the laundry. The pastor said, if your spouse dies, it’s okay. He quoted Alfred Lord Tennyson:

“‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

My prayer is for my husband to live long but no matter what happens, my hope is in the Lord. God will take care of me as He has done for many years. We may not be together all the time for now but I am waiting on the LORD for HIS decision. I am trusting that when the time is right, my husband and I will never part anymore.

When I miss Lelan and long to be with him, I just think that I was able to wait for a long time to meet my husband. Waiting for us to be together eventually is nothing compared to waiting for God to send me a husband. I am glad and content that GOD gave me a husband at all. We just keep praying for us to be together sooner.

People have different love stories and just because our story is not conventional, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t genuine. It’s amazing to me how God brought us together. He’s caucasian, I’m Asian. He lives in the U.S., I live in the Philippines. We are from opposite sides of the world, yet God orchestrated our paths to meet.

I am grateful that GOD allowed me to experience marriage. It is very humbling. I am learning that the purpose of marriage is to glorify God. Yes, we are together because we love each other but it’s not only about the two of us. It’s also, and it is ultimately, about the One who brought (and keep bringing) us together.

My prayer when I was still single was for my future marriage to give glory to the LORD, and my prayer remains the same today. I pray that our individual lives and our marriage will give glory to the ONE who deserves all the glory, honor, and praise.

He Rebukes to Protect

He Rebukes to Protect

Devo: Matthew 23:37-39

Jesus rebuked His people, the Jews in Jerusalem, because He wanted to protect them. He rebuked them out of His great love for them.

“This heartfelt cry is another way to see that Jesus didn’t hate these men He rebuked so strongly. His heart broke for them. When we sin, God does not hate us; He genuinely sorrows for us, knowing that in every way our sin and rebellion only destroys our life. We should hope to share God’s sorrow for lost humanity.”

May I repeat what was mentioned on “When we sin, God does not hate us.” Wow. When our heart breaks over our sin, God’s heart breaks first and breaks the hardest. He doesn’t want us to get hurt by the consequences of our sin. He wants to protect us from it. He loves us so much that He grieves over our sins. However, God is just and they have to give an account for their choices on Judgment Day.

“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.” Revelation 3:19

God rebukes and disciplines us because He loves us. Disobeying God will lead us into eternal damnation and God wants to spare us from that. If He doesn’t care about us, He will just let us do whatever we want.

“How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” v. 37

Jesus wanted to protect them like a hen protects her chicks. However, they refused to receive that from the Lord. Isn’t it similar to many people in the world? God has been offering us His protection, His love, His salvation, but we just refuse Him. God is gentle and He will not force Himself to us (Matthew 11:29).

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20

He stands at the door of our hearts, knocks, and waits patiently for us. He does not force the door to open so He can reign inside our heart. He gave us free will so the decision to accept Him or not depends on us.

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name…” John 1:12

We will become children of God when we receive Him and believe in Him.

His Message, Not Ours

His Message, Not Ours

I attended the WC fellowship today. WC stands for Welcome Center. It’s a ministry in our church that welcomes new comers or unbelievers. We share the history of the church, our mission and vision, our core values, the different ministries, the Christian’s faith journey, and the gospel. We also pray with them.

We had several activities: games, devotion, fellowship, breakfast, review of this year’s operations, presentation of the programs for next year, Q & A , and lunch.

During the breakout session (after the devo), I shared in our group that I always ask God to give me the right people at the Welcome Center. I ask Him to give me those that are not difficult. Sis Mariles then said that our prayer should not be for God to give us people that are easy to manage but that God should prepare our heart no matter who God will bring to us.

She’s right! I forgot that it’s not about my skills in managing people but about God working through me. It’s about being used by Him as a vessel to speak to people. It’s not my message that I will share but His message.

No matter who we talk to and now matter how difficult people can be, what’s important is God’s empowering. God will bring people to us no matter our differences. He will use to us to lead people to Him. It is the Holy Spirit in us that will deliver the message. It’s all about JESUS!

Sis Mariles explaining her drawing.

Matty’s Basketball Game

Matty’s Basketball Game

Human basketball 😅

Kulit Dee Dee!

Matty’s team did not win in today’s game. They fought against boys that are bigger than them. I’m not being biased but both teams did well. After the game, I asked him how he’s doing and he said he’s okay. Then I told him that he did great. I also reminded him of their three consecutive wins prior to today’s game (my sister told me about it).

Before the game, over lunch, I told him that it’s okay even if they do not win. My sister butted in and said that he has to do his best. We have to give our best in everything that we do. However, I told him not to feel pressured. I told him to do his best and just enjoy the game. If they win, that’s great. But if  they don’t, that’s okay. It’s important that we experience to lose, too. There are things that we can learn from losing that we cannot learn from winning. We also told him to always give the glory to God.

I’m glad that Matty is optimistic. He didn’t feel down because they lost. He is competitive but at the same time, he understands that it’s just a game.

Grateful for the Invitation

Grateful for the Invitation

Devo: Matthew 22:1-14

This parable is compared by Jesus to the kingdom of heaven. The king arranged his son’s wedding and invited people to come to the feast. He sent his servants to inform the people that they could come and celebrate with them. However, the people who were invited refused (v. 3).

The king sent his servants again and told them to inform the people that they had prepared the dinner and that everything was ready. However, the people took it lightly and went on to do their own business. Some of them killed the servants (vv. 4-6). This infuriated the king and ordered his armies to destroy those who killed his servants (v. 7).

This is similar to people who disregard the Lord, who do not care about the things of God. People invite them to church, share the gospel with them, but they keep their hearts and minds closed. Their hearts remain hard for God.

For the third time, the king sent his servants to invite the people. This time though, he instructed them to invite anyone, “both good and bad”, to come because the people he initially invited were unworthy (vv. 8-10). This demonstrates the grace of God to us all. We are undeserving of His invitation to enter His Kingdom, but He calls us anyway.

“In this sense, we can say this is a parable about grace. Those who were invited–and who came–were utterly undeserving of the invitation, much less the wedding feast itself.”

Then there was one man who came to the wedding without the proper garment. The king ordered the servants to “take him away and cast him into outer darkness” (vv. 11-13).

This is an illustration of people who appear Christian on the outside but are not transformed on the inside. They do the duties–attend Sunday services, probably even serve in ministries, do all the Christian stuff, but have no real love for God.

“He came because he was invited, but he came only in appearance. The banquet was intended to honor the King’s Son, but this man meant nothing of the kind; he was willing to eat the good things set before him, but in his heart there was no love either for the King or his well-beloved Son.” Spurgeon,



Devo: Matthew 20:1-16

“But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” Matthew 19:30

“So the last will be first, and the first last.” v. 16

Matthew 20:16 is similar to Matthew 19:30. These are countercultural. Normally, whoever is first will be first and whoever is last will be last. However, these verses refer to God’s grace; not what people deserve. The workers in the vineyard complained about their salary because they saw that those who worked for only an hour received the same amount they received even when they worked the entire day under the sun. For them, the landowner was not fair and that they should’ve received more. The landowner was not unfair to them because he gave them what they agreed on.

“Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.” v. 2

It is the laborers that he hired later in the day that he had no agreement with as to their salary.

“He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.'” v. 7

The landowner was not unfair to them. He gave them what he told them he would give. The laborers just felt that they deserved more because they worked longer and harder.

However, the salary of those who worked later in the day was a surprise. Again, he was not unfair by giving them the same amount he gave the others. It’s his discretion as to how much he would give.

“I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things?” vv. 14-15

This was a bit obscure to me at first but reading a commentary about it helped. This story talks about God’s grace. God will give us reward according to His goodness and mercy and not according to what we deserve.

“Jesus lays it down that there will be surprises in the final assessment… it may be that those who were humble on earth will be great in heaven, and that those who were great in this world will be humbled in the world to come.” Barclay,

“The point isn’t that all have the same reward – though all God’s people do go to the same heaven (where they will have reward in different measure). The point is that God rewards on the principle of grace, and we should therefore expect surprises. He will never be less than fair, but reserves the right to be more than fair as pleases Him. God’s grace always operates righteously.”

There will be rewards in heaven. We don’t know what kind of rewards believers of God will receive. Only God knows. It will be a surprise for us. We cannot judge what reward each of us believers will receive. We may be embarrassed to know someday that the people we thought would receive less would actually be commended highly by God. We may receive more than what we deserve, less than what we deserve, or just what we think we deserve.

It’s true that God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). His rewards are completely up to Him and we can’t question that. God is sovereign. He sees the intentions of the heart. My prayer is that God will keep my intentions pure.

When I first became a believer, I didn’t know that there will be rewards in heaven. I was just happy to know God in a personal way. I was content with the fact that I know God and that He knows me. I was content knowing that the God who created the heaven and the earth loves me. What could be more satisfying than that? Then I learned about rewards and I was astounded!

Do we really want to receive what we deserve? We deserve nothing! We deserve the wrath of God. We are saved not because of our goodness but because of God’s goodness. Our salvation is His gift to us. We have no contribution to it except for the acceptance of that gift.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

As for me, I don’t want to receive what I deserve. What I want is God’s grace and mercy.

“My last word to God’s children is this: what does it matter, after all, whether we are first or whether we are last? Do not let us dwell too much upon it, for we all share the honor given to each. When we are converted, we become members of Christ’s living body; and as we grow in grace, and get the true spirit that permeates that body, we shall say, when any member of it is honored, ‘This is honor for us’…If any brother shall be greatly honored of God, I feel honored in his honor. If God shall bless your brother, and make him ten times more useful than you are, then you see that he is blessing you — not only blessing him, but you. If my hand has something in it, my foot does not say, ‘Oh, I have not got it!’ No, for if my hand has it, my foot has it; it belongs to the whole of my body.” Spurgeon,

I like what Charles Spurgeon said. We should not focus on the reward. Instead, we should focus on our relationship with God first and foremost. The reward is a bonus. 🙂