Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup)

Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup)

I had been wanting to make samgyetang but I couldn’t find jujube or ginseng. It is a traditional Korean dish that Koreans like to eat in summer. Yesterday after the church service, my mother and I decided to go to a Korean store. I saw this herb mix for samgyetang and I was elated!

Samgyetang kit:
– Angelica root
– Milkvetch root
– Mulberry bark
– Siberian ginseng
– Jujube


  • 1 whole chicken
  • spring onion
  • rice
  • garlic
  • jujube
  • ginseng (/herbal mix – milkvetch root, angelica root, mulberry bark, Siberian ginseng, jujube)
  • 1/2 tbsp salt (You don’t have to add salt because the dip is already salty but I just didn’t want it to be bland.)

I put the washed rice, garlic, and some of the herbs in the chicken’s cavity. The rest of the mix, I put in the soup/broth.


  • soy sauce
  • apple cider vinegar
  • sugar
  • sesame oil
  • onion

Recipe source: Maangchi

Samgyetang has a clean taste. It’s perfect the rainy day. It has been raining nonstop here in Naga since yesterday morning.

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