Today’s Devotion: Luke 12:35-48

Today’s Devotion: Luke 12:35-48

Many say the nCoVid-19 is not yet an end-time sign. However, whether we are living in the last days or not (I believe we are living in the last days), we should be watchful. We should live as if Jesus is coming today because we don’t really know when He will return.

“There you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. (v. 40)”

We tend to slack off when we know it’s not yet the deadline. I used to cram for an exam when I was still in school. I would take my review seriously when the exam day/week is near and it did not always yield good results. I feel relaxed when I leave the house early because that means I will arrive in the office early even if I have to face heavy traffic. However, when I leave the house later than usual, I feel tensed because I could be late for work.

We should not focus on the corona virus. Of course we have to take the necessary precautions. However, we can die anytime even without contracting the virus. We can die even without leaving the house. We do not need to wait for the last days to get right with God. (I am preaching to myself also.) The verses I read this morning reminded me to always be ready.

Another thing that stuck with me is verse 48. It says there that those who do not know about the Lord’s second coming cannot escape the punishment for their sins. Though it’s not as severe as those who know about Jesus’ return, they will still be punished. Ignorance is not an excuse. The Lord is truly holy, righteous and just.

“But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more. (v. 48)”

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