Gratin Dauphinoise

I greased the pan with butter and added some minced garlic. I couldn’t find a rectangular pan so I used the cake pan instead. I added a layer of sliced potatoes then poured the full cream milk and heavy cream mixture then sprinkled it with salt and pepper. I added the mushrooms and the shrimps (I did my research and apparently, gratin dauphonois only has potatoes but I wanted to tweak the recipe a little bit so I added some mushrooms and shrimp.) Then I added another layer of potatoes. I just repeated the process for the first layer. I just eyeballed everything and then baked it at 150 degrees C.
It took soooo long for this to bake. I finished at around 3 in the morning. It’s my fault. I put too much of the milk and cream mixture. My family said it tastes good. It really just took toooooo long to finish. 🤪