Homemade Fettuccine Pasta Noodles

The fettuccine pasta I used for this is the one I made early today. I sautéed the garlic and cherry tomatoes in olive oil on low heat. I added the drained pasta and dried herbs (thyme, rosemary, oregano, and basil). Then I put some white wine vinegar and salt to taste. I also added mozzarella and grated parmesan cheese then put some fresh basil on top. Happy tummy!
The lessons in Sunday school this month are aligned with the church’s theme and today, the main verse is Romans 8:39. When we fetched Matty today, he was singing “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…” It’s a blessing to know that he knows Jesus loves him. ❤️
This is one of my favorite pasta recipes. It’s easy to make and is very delicious. I got this recipe from Kerry Ann Dunlop on Jamie Oliver’s channel.
1 whole white onion (large)
1 bulb of garlic (large)
1 tbsp. dried chili flakes (optional)
3/4 tbsp. ground black pepper
about 1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/4 kilo tomato sauce
3 cans of chunky tuna
2 tbsp. dried basil leaves
1 tbsp. dried oregano leaves (optional)
fresh basil leaves
800 g penne pasta
595 g cheddar cheese