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Author: KC

Officially a Graduate

Officially a Graduate

Here’s a snippet of our hybrid convocation ceremony. Those who could not make it in person had to attend virtuallylike in our regular classes.

I’m happy that my sleepless nights paid off. The journey hadn’t been easy but I am grateful. While others lost jobs because of the pandemic, I was given the chance to continue working and even study at the same time. I am grateful and humbled to be given this opportunity to study internationally, and to graduate with honours.

When I received the letters in February and June this year informing that I am on the dean’s list for the fall and winter semester, I was surprised. Suddenly, I remembered my prayer before starting the program. I wrote on my prayer request journal last year that I finish with flying colors but I completely forgot about it because the courses were not easy. Our reading materials seemed endless and there were lots of things we had to submit almost every day. I just did my best consistently.

My acceptance in the program is a favor from God. My classmates are very smart. Most of them are licensed teachers in their own countries. Some are musician, director, retired lawyer, etc. I am not a teacher by profession. It was experiential learning for me. Whatever knowledge I have in teaching is from years of experience. Now I understand the rationale behind different methodologies. I discovered there’s so much more behind the practice. I hope I won’t forget them.

I’m happy that God answered my prayer. I was really amazed when I remembered the request I made last year. It’s not a big deal if I graduate without honours. It’s not necessary. I just wanted to do my best to give God glory. Plus, I didn’t want to waste the time, effort, and money invested in it.

I’m not one who aspires scholastic awards. When I was a young student, I didn’t aim to be a valedictorian, magna/summa cum laude, what have you. I just wanted to finish my studies and get on with my life. 😅😂 Of course, I’m happy with my learning but I didn’t stress over achieving school recognitions. It’s nice to receive an award, for sure, but it’s not the most important thing in life. I’m not dismissing people’s hard work and discipline to reach their goals. I’m aware of the sacrifices people have to make to succeed. It’s very admirable and inspiring. 🙂

As for me, it is my offering to God. He deserves all the credit. I couldn’t have done it without Him. I wouldn’t even have the chance if He did not allow it. I cannot accomplish anything without His help. He is my source of strength, wisdom, confidence, and hope. All praises belong to God and to God alone.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters…”– Colossians 3:23

Cassava Cake

Cassava Cake

4 c grated cassava (Do not drain)
2 c coconut milk
1 c condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk
3 eggs
2 tbsp melted butter
2 tsp vanilla

3/4 c coconut milk
3/4 c condensed milk
1/4 c butter
2 egg yolks
2-3 c grated cheese


  • Combine all the ingredients and bake at 150-180 C for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Mix the ingredients for the topping and add it to the cake, then broil for 15-20 minutes.

Family Beach Bonding

Family Beach Bonding

Day 1

I did my fishtail braid.

Day 2

Mama and I went on a short hike early in the morning. It was worth the sweat!

Hiking — part 2

When I checked my schedule last Tuesday, I saw that my students disappeared. I guess they decided to go on a break because Thursday is a holiday in their country and it’s nice to have a long weekend. Then, my sister proposed on the same day I found out my students cancelled for Thursday and Friday that we go to the beach. Of course I wanted to go because my sister and her family are here for only a couple of days.

God is really amazing. He didn’t want me to miss our family get-together so He made my students cancel their classes. It’s in moments like this that God reminds me that He knows everything in my life. 😊

Worm on the Wall

Worm on the Wall

When I woke up this morning, I saw a strange-looking, worm-like creature stuck on the wall. (I wasn’t sure because it was transparent and yellowish.)

When I climbed up the couch to look closely, I realized it was a gummy worm! My, my! The ingenuity of kids is amazing and funny! 😆😂🤣

Bibingkang Abnoy

Bibingkang Abnoy

I first tried bibingkay abnoy in Antipolo last year. I tried it twice before I appreciated it. It has a strange taste at first but it’s really good once your palate has gotten used to it. I didn’t know that it was made of rotten duck eggs (bugok na itlog ng itik). It’s better when dipped in vinegar. I enjoyed our little food adventure there. It doesn’t mean though that I can do what Andrew Zimmern did on Bizarre Foods. 😅

I know a lot of people find this dish gross because of the ingredients and the smell but I like it. Maybe I have a weird taste. 🤪

I used Nanay Benie‘s special recipe but I added some spring onions and oregano. I used about 12-13 duck eggs and added one chicken egg.

The Tans Visited!

The Tans Visited!

May batang matulungin na nagdilig ng halaman.

* Fred and Red *

The Tans are here on business and they are staying for a couple of days. We are, of course, happy to spend some time with them.

They also brought their tortoise pets that are extremely adorable. Fun fact: they are said to get as heavy as 70-100 pounds and live around 60-120 years or more. These babies could outlive us!

Exotic Ice Cream Flavors

Exotic Ice Cream Flavors

This afternoon, my mother, niece, and I went to a local creamery that serves exotic-flavored ice cream. We tried the sili (chili – volcano/hottest level), tinutong na bigas (toasted rice), latik (toasted coconut milk curd), and malunggay (moringa) flavors.

We didn’t finish the sili ice cream because it was too spicy. We tried to mix it with the other flavors so it wouldn’t be wasted. I think I tried level 1 or 2 before. I don’t remember my tongue burning last time so I believe it wasn’t the spiciest. I was just really curious to try the hottest one, and it did not disappoint! 🥵

I also wanted to try the gabi (taro) and salabat (ginger tea) flavors but they weren’t available. It was a good thing though, because we already had too much calories. Maybe next time. 😅 My favorite is the tinutong na bigas flavor. I give it a 10 out of 10. 🥰

Apple Pie

Apple Pie

After cooling the pie, I put it in the fridge for an hour so it was easy to slice it.

I used Natasha Kravchuk’s apple pie and pie crust recipes for this. I just used too much cinnamon because I love cinnamon. I have to admit though that I put a little too much. I’ll lessen it next time. 😜

Also, I doubled the pie crust recipe because I wanted to pull off the lattice-crust. I love the buttery taste of the crust. You can eat it on its own. I ran out of butter for the second pie’s sauce so I just used the full cream fresh milk and added flour and sugar to it.

For 1 pie, 3-4 apples will do. I used a 24.3 x 4 cm pan and 6 large apples were able to make 2 pies.