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Author: KC

Rainy Christmas Morning

Rainy Christmas Morning

The Christmas/carrot cake jam is so delicious. It was made by my sister-in-law, Deana. She’s so sweet. I used it in the toasted sandwiches this morning (peanut butter + blueberry jam & cheese + Christmas jam).

I’m happy that I get to spend Christmas with my husband here in the Philippines.

Cleanse Us and Heal Us

Cleanse Us and Heal Us

Devo: Mark 1:40-45

“If You are willing, You can make me clean.” V. 40

The leper did not ask Jesus to heal him but to cleanse him. Like the leper, what many of us need more than healing is cleansing from sins. It’s more important to be cleansed from sin than to be healed. It’s better to die knowing that our sins have been forgiven by the Lord despite our illness than to die in perfect health but with the eternal damnation as our destination. Our body may be afflicted with a disease, but with God in our heart, we have peace.

“Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him…” V. 41

Jesus touched the leper. In the past, a leper was ostracized. The leper in the story must have missed being cared for by people.

“…a man who was full of leprosy saw Jesus…” Luke 5:12

In the verse above, it shows us that the leper who approached Jesus was full of leprosy. It means that his disease was in the advanced stage and his body was therefore rotting away. Nobody wanted to be around him.

“This was important because people were forbidden to touch this man on account of his leprosy. Since his disease was in the advanced stages, he was a leper a long time. It was a long time since he had felt a loving touch.”

This commentary above from pierced my heart. He was a leper for a long time. He hadn’t felt someone’s touch for a long time and must’ve longed the warmth of an embrace. Jesus touched him and made him feel loved and valued. ❤️

“As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed.” V. 42

Jesus warned him not to tell anyone about it.

“And He strictly warned him and sent him away at once, and said to him, ‘See that you say nothing to anyone…'” V. 43-44

However, the man could not help himself and announced it to people.

“However, he went out and began to proclaim it freely, and to spread the matter…” V. 45

I think I also wouldn’t be able to keep that to myself had I been in his position. I mean, how can you keep such good news to yourself?

“…so that Jesus could no longer openly enter the city, but was outside in deserted places; and they came to Him from every direction.” V. 45

This verse shows us that we should always obey Jesus. There are consequences when we disobey.

Father God in heaven, cleanse us and heal us. Cleanse us from the inside out. Remove all the filth in our heart and our body. Only You can do this overhaul in our heart, Jesus. Help us also to love people despite their sins.

Baptize Us with the Holy Spirit

Baptize Us with the Holy Spirit

Devo: Mark 1:1-8

“Prepare the way of the LORD…” V. 3

John the Baptist preached repentance to prepare our hearts for Jesus. Real preparation is not merely outward. Real preparation should be in our heart.

“There comes One after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down and loose.” V. 7

John pointed people to Jesus and not to himself. He gave the glory to the One who deserves it. John was bold in his preaching that many people came to him and were baptized.

“Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.” V. 5

What a blessing it is to see people repenting from their sins and professing their faith in Jesus!

“I indeed baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” V. 8

Anyone can be baptized in water. It doesn’t mean that people have truly repented and accepted Jesus in their heart when they receive water baptism. True repentance is something that Jesus sees. We are not saved by water baptism. It is only a public declaration of our faith in Jesus. What we should desire the most is the baptism of the Holy Spirit which only Jesus can do.

Let our prayer be, “Baptize me with the Holy Spirit, Jesus.”

Disciples Are made

Disciples Are made

Devo: Matthew 28:16-20

Jesus after His crucifixion, resurrected and appeared to His disciples. He instructed them to go, make disciples, baptize, and teach. When Jesus gave the great commission to His disciples, He was not suggesting that they do it but He was commanding them. He didn’t say, “If you go”, “If you make disciple”, “If you baptize”, or “If you teach”. He said, “Go”, “make disciples”, “baptize”, and “teach”.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” VV. 19-20

Jesus’ ministry will continue through His disciples. He has ALL the authority. He has all the power to command His disciples to carry on the task of discipling others.

“All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” V. 18

“Go therefore…” V. 19

“Jesus said, ‘Go’ to some very imperfect disciples. ‘Who is to go out of that first band of disciples? It is Peter, the rash and the headstrong. It is John, who sometimes wishes to call fire from heaven to destroy men. It is Philip, with whom the Savior has been so long, and yet he has not known him. It is Thomas, who must put his finger into the print of the nails, or he will not believe him. Yet the Master says to them, ‘Go ye; all power is given unto me, therefore go ye. You are as good for my purpose as anybody else would be. There is no power in you, I know, but then all power is in me, therefore go ye.’'” (Spurgeon)

“…and make disciples…” V. 19

This shows us that disciples are made, and God uses believers to share the gospel with them, to teach them, to rebuke them, to walk alongside them in their faith journey. Merriam-Webster defines the word “disciple” as “one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another.” It also means “a convinced adherent of a school or individual”.

We are to make disciples. We are to teach people the Word of God so they can have a personal relationship with God and a deeper knowledge of His character. In turn, they will also disciple others ultimately for the glory of God. It is a process that involves the community of believers of Jesus for the ultimate purpose of glorifying God, our Father in heaven.

What we should teach are all the things that Jesus commanded us.

“…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” V. 20

We won’t be able to do this without the help of God. We are only His instrument. We need His presence and power to fulfill our mission. When Jesus tells us to do something, He Himself will help us accomplish it. He will enable us. He will work in and through us and He will be with us till the end.

“…and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age…” V. 20

It is His promise that He will be with us ALWAYS. We will not be alone in fulfilling the task because He will work with us. We are His fellow workers.

“For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, [you are] God’s building.” 1 Corinthians 3:9

We have the presence of God at all times! Wow! What could be better than that? God’s presence makes us feel safe, calm, protected, secure, hopeful, joyful,…

It’s His Presence I Desire

It’s His Presence I Desire

Devo: Matthew 28:9-10

These are just two verses but it greeted me with warmth. I felt God’s embrace by reading it. A little bit of a backstory: Mary of Magdalene and Mary of Bethany were instructed by the angel of the Lord to tell Jesus’ disciples that He is risen from the dead (V. 7).

The angel told them to “go quickly (V. 7)” and they did exactly what they were told. They “went out quickly from the tomb…” and “ran (V. 8)” to tell the news to His disciples. They were obedient. They did what they were told right away, and they did it “with fear and great joy (V. 8)”.

“And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them,…” V. 9

Jesus met them. Wow. God knows the agony that Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany felt when they witnessed the sufferings of Jesus. They thought that Jesus was dead.

“But the angel answered and said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.” Vv. 5-6

“…as He said.” – The angel reminded them of what Jesus told them before His crucifixion.

They must have felt relieved to hear from the angel that their beloved Jesus is not dead. I am imagining the feeling of being in deep sadness and then suddenly being overwhelmed by hope and joy. Wow. When Jesus met them, He told them to rejoice. The response of Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany was to fall at the feet of Jesus and worshiped Him.

I think I would do the same if I had been in those women’s shoes. I would just lay at His feet and bask in His holy presence. In Jesus’ presence, I am calm and content. Ahh.. I just want His presence.