Devo: Matthew 11:25-30

Devo: Matthew 11:25-30

Are you tired?

With everything that we have to do in life, we oftentimes experience burnout. It’s easy to recuperate from physical exhaustion. We can just sleep and feel better after. It’s the emotional, psychological, and spiritual exhaustion that’s difficult to recover from.

That’s why many people turn to different ways to get better. Others turn to self-help books, to meditation, to medicine, to people, etc. These things help somehow, but it seems that many people do not consider God to help them. People are willing to try everything but God.

God says in Matthew 11:28, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

It’s an invitation from God to anyone who is exhausted.

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30

“…learn from Me…”

God wants us to come to Him not only to cast our burdens upon Him but also to learn from Him. God wants us to disciple us.

“…gentle and lowly in heart…”

It shows us God’s character. He is gentle and humble. Does it not feel good to know that God can and will give us rest for our souls? When I read those words, I already felt comforted. I want that kind of rest forever. I want a heart that’s not troubled by the cares of the world. I want that kind of inner peace.

God tells us that we can only have that kind of rest if we go to Him. It’s not something that we can get from this world.

“If your yoke is hard and your burden is heavy, then we can say that it isn’t His yoke or burden, and you aren’t letting Him bear it with you.”

“They should believe that something is wrong if they don’t experience rest for their souls.”

Wow. It’s a painful truth, isn’t it? We continue to feel burdened because we don’t really surrender our cares to God. We need to trust that God will help us carry our burdens. And when we surrender them to God, we need to have faith that He is with us, that He will help us.

If we struggle to believe, we must ask God to help us believe and we must not stop until He answers our prayer. We can ask God anything, and He answers requests that are in line with His will. God wants us to be free from all of our worries and cares. He wants us to be free from our strongholds. He wants us to enjoy complete freedom. He wants us to enjoy true rest.

We won’t be able to worship God fully if worries and fears occupy our hearts and minds. God wants to give us rest.

Dear God, I want the rest that You are offering. Help me carry my burdens. Help me believe that You will help me. Remove my anxieties, worries, and fears. I want to learn from You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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