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Month: July 2024

Devo: Matthew 11:25-30

Devo: Matthew 11:25-30

Are you tired? With everything that we have to do in life, we oftentimes experience burnout. It’s easy to recuperate from physical exhaustion. We can just sleep and feel better after. It’s the emotional, psychological, and spiritual exhaustion that’s difficult to recover from. That’s why many people turn to different ways to get better. Others turn to self-help books, to meditation, to medicine, to people, etc. These things help somehow, but it seems that many people do not consider God…

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Your Circle Matters

Your Circle Matters

Devo: Matthew 9:1-8 The paralytic was brought to Jesus by his friends. His friends took the roof apart and lowered him down through it because of the crowd. “When Jesus saw their faith…” v. 2 It was the faith of the paralytic’s friends, not his, that caused Jesus to forgive and heal him. They had faith that Jesus could heal their friend. This shows us that our circle matters. Do our friends lift us up in prayer when we need…

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Devo: Matthew 7:21-23

Devo: Matthew 7:21-23

These are only three verses but they’re very powerful. “Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’” v. 22 They obviously have done many amazing, spiritual things. However, spiritual accomplishments mean nothing if we are not personally connected to God. God said, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he…

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