Thoughtful Gifts From My Husband
My husband already left for the U.S. this evening. Before we parted at the airport, he said that he has a letter for me and he put it in (yes, inside) the fridge. He said he also wrote in my Bible (the Bible he gave me for our first wedding anniversary).
He first gave me the Morning and Evening devotional by Charles H. Spurgeon. He reads from four different devotionals and I told him that I like Morning and Evening. I didn’t know that he took note of that comment of mine.
Also, last month, I asked him if the journaling Bible (single column journaling Bible with a leather cover) that I showed him is available in the U.S. and he said that most of them are in ESV. I didn’t ask him to buy one for me but he remembered it. I was ecstatic when he gave me a journaling Bible in the New King James version. I could not contain my happiness. I was like a kid with her favorite toy when I received it. He said, “Look at you getting so excited over a gift.”
I really want to buy a journaling Bible but the ones available here in the Philippines are in ESV. I like writing and drawing in my Bible. I like highlighting, too. I write commentaries, prayers, notes, etc. I still love my old NKJV Bible but there’s no more space to write and draw. Haha. Anyway, now I don’t have to buy anymore. ❤️ I can already start my 3rd round of Bible reading. I know some people read the entire Bible once a year but I like to savor the Word.
Lelan is sweet. He remembers things that are important to me. I feel like my gifts for him are blah compared to his gifts for me. He doesn’t mind the cost of and the exhaustion from traveling from the U.S. to the Philippines and vice versa several times a year just for us to be together.
When I was still single, I asked God for someone who would cross the oceans for me and Lelan is exactly that person. He doesn’t mind the distance and the stress that comes with our temporary long-distance relationship. I asked that from God because for me, if a guy will travel far for me, it means that his intention is pure. It means that he believes I’m worth the distance and effort.
He is a gift from the Lord. He is an answered prayer. He is not perfect but he is trying his best to be pleasing to the Lord. (I’m not perfect either.) Lelan loves the Lord and he likes to obey His Word (the Holy Bible) and I respect him for that.
God gave him to me not because I deserve a good and godly man but because God is good. We serve a wonderful, awesome God! I miss my husband already… Airport goodbyes are the hardest.

I don’t mind sharing my husband’s first official letter for me.