Exotic Ice Cream Flavors

This afternoon, my mother, niece, and I went to a local creamery that serves exotic-flavored ice cream. We tried the sili (chili – volcano/hottest level), tinutong na bigas (toasted rice), latik (toasted coconut milk curd), and malunggay (moringa) flavors.
We didn’t finish the sili ice cream because it was too spicy. We tried to mix it with the other flavors so it wouldn’t be wasted. I think I tried level 1 or 2 before. I don’t remember my tongue burning last time so I believe it wasn’t the spiciest. I was just really curious to try the hottest one, and it did not disappoint! 🥵
I also wanted to try the gabi (taro) and salabat (ginger tea) flavors but they weren’t available. It was a good thing though, because we already had too much calories. Maybe next time. 😅 My favorite is the tinutong na bigas flavor. I give it a 10 out of 10. 🥰