1 Chronicles 21:2-30

This is what I read for my devotion today. I didn’t understand some parts in the chapter so I turned to a commentary. I started reading commentaries since the start of the pandemic. I realized how much of a gem they are. I would’ve missed a lot had I just read it and not looked for the scholarly explanation of some chapters/verses. This chapter is so rich!
Yes, David sinned against God—yet again—but he also humbled himself to God and was forgiven—yet again! David was considered by God as a man after His own heart but it doesn’t mean that David was sinless. In fact, David committed tremendous sins in his lifetime. However, every time he was made aware of his sins (through the prophets), he would immediately repent and ask God for forgiveness. That was always his attitude. It dawned on me that God called him a man after His own heart because David truly loved the Lord. His heart truly belonged to HIM. Though he was not sinless, he strived to be pleasing to the lover of his soul.
Despite his many sins, the Lord forgave him because He saw his repentant heart. God cannot be fooled by fake repentance. God sees beyond our action—He sees our heart. God wouldn’t forgive David every single time if He did not see his sincerity.
David always wanted to seek the Lord before making any decision. He always desired to inquire of God before taking any step, and because of that, the Lord was always with him—guiding him and prospering him. David had lapses but he had an intimate relationship with God. I especially love what Morgan said on enduringword.com:
“The chief interest of this chapter for us lies in the revelation of the true character of David. His sins were the lapses and accidents of his life. This is not to condone them. It is, however, to emphasize that the habitual set of his life was far otherwise than these sins suggest, and the deepest truth concerning him is revealed, not by the failures, but by his action afterwards.”
David obeyed God’s command to put up an altar to the Lord on the threshing floor of Ornan. He offered burnt offerings and peace offerings to God and the Lord answered him and stopped punishing the people. It’s beautiful how sin and punishment turned to worship—which is a sweet aroma to God.
This chapter also shows God’s mercy and love. He is holy and just but is also merciful and gracious. God did not condone his sins. It was the love of God towards David that overflowed. It says in Romans 5:20, “The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more.”
I relate with David because I, too, have difficult moments. I, too, have lapses. If not for His grace, I don’t know where I would be now. It is my heart’s desire to live a life that’s pleasing to God. I do have dreams but my greatest dream is to put a smile on God’s face. I want Him to be pleased with me. If my dreams will grieve His heart, then I don’t want it. He is my redeemer, my hiding place, my haven… In Him, I feel secured, confident, loved, complete, and valued.
It’s impossible to live a perfectly sinless life because we are still in this world where temptations lurk. Our perfection will be in heaven. However, it is not a license to keep sinning. Willful sin is inexcusable. Christians are not exempted from temptations. In fact, Christians are under the greatest attack. However, we sin less and less as we grow closer to God. We become more and more sensitive to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.